The words of the spirit guides of Karen X


Always your choices are free.  Any suggestion that they are not, or should not be, is delusion.  Thus, we do not advise or recommend; we suggest and invite.  We do not lay out rules or tenets; we make observations.  We do not provide answers; we promote clarity.

We urge you to give in to the demands of freedom.

Do you tell fortunes?

No, because having a set notion of the future that is not chosen is limiting.  Fortune-telling is disempowering, creating either complacency or fear.  The future is not set anyway; there are only probabilities, and choices.  Your future will be what you build it into.

Can you see into other people’s minds?

No, and if we did, we wouldn’t tell you what we saw anyway.  There is this thing called ‘privacy.’

What topics do you cover?

Whatever we’re asked about.

Is Karen specially gifted, or does everyone have spirit guides?

A: Everyone has spirit guides.  If you aren’t hearing yours, it’s because you aren’t hearing them.  You are for some reason not open to them.  The most frequent times that people who aren’t used to hearing spirit guides hear them is in emergencies.  The voice that tells you what exactly to do to steer out of a car accident is a spirit guide.  The voice that tells you to stay away from a person who makes you feel bad is a spirit guide.  The voices of spirit guides are silent in the decibel sense, but can be heard inside the mind.  They can be distinguished from your own thoughts because they will address you as if from the outside, calling you “you” and making invitations, suggestions or—only in emergencies—imperatives that will help.

Karen is not specially gifted, just willing to actively seek out spirit guide input and hear it.  What she does have that is specialized is a strong lifelong commitment to truth and clarity, which manifests in both her journalism and her fiction writing.  If she has a particular gift for anything that helps with this work, it’s a very fast typing speed.

If I hear an inner voice, how do I know it’s a spirit guide and not something dark or evil?

Very simple.  Spirit guides are friends and will act as such.  They always recognize and respect your freedom of choice.  They offer information, suggestions and invitations, never orders, unless it’s at a time that a friend would—in an emergency when it’s necessary that you take a particular action you’re not thinking of yourself.  They will never advise you to do something that is against your own conscience or moral code.  They will never advise you to do anything that would harm you or others.  They will support and encourage you.

Voices of dark entities, however, will give dark counsel.  They will appeal to your negative emotions: fear, anger, shame, pain.  They will urge you to self-destructive actions, or actions that are destructive to other people.  They will pressure and insult you.

It’s easy to tell: a spirit guide’s words will make you feel clear, happy, free and uplifted.  A dark entity’s words will make you feel confused, afraid, angry, or bad in some other way.

I dont think Ive ever heard a spirit guide speak to me.  How do I learn how?

First be reassured: if you really want to, it will happen.  Second: dont think it will take massive or strenuous effort.  It’s really quite easy.

Find a place and time where you can be totally comfortable and relaxed, with no distractions or demands.  Make sure you are breathing in a relaxed and natural way, down to low in your lungs.  Quiet and clear your mind.  After a while, ask a question, and intend to hear an answer.  Don’t listen for something loud or spectacularly different from your own thoughts.  The inner voice will sound in a way like your thoughts, which is to say it doesnt really have sound.  But it will address you as “you,” and it will have a different verbal style than yours.  Ask more questions and see if the answers you get are enlightening and clarifying.

If it does not happen, it’s either because you are too tense, or you aren’t at a point of readiness and so are choosing inwardly not to hear them.  That’s fine.  Keep trying as often and as long as you are inclined, until you either start hearing the words or you decide this isn’t for you.

You talk about choice all the time, as if people are always free to do what they want; why is that?

We do not say that people are always free to do what they want; but there is always a choice to be made, and the soul is always free to make it.  The person who remembers this unwaveringly will always be powerful.

If you could distill the knowledge that would help people the most into one sentence, what would it be?

You cannot be destroyed; you are eternal.

Karen: Actually the one they say to me the most, or at least used to, is "Don't worry."  So I'm surprised they didn't say that.  But it's actually the same thing.  If you can know 100% of the time that you cannot be destroyed, you never feel fear.  My guides taught me this and I am working on attaining it, as best I can.

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