The words of the spirit guides of Karen X

Aug 8, 2012

Time taps them on the shoulder (mission)

Feb. 15, 2004

[Dialogue with a friend]
My guides say: you don’t have to listen to a word we say.  We aren’t authorities, we’re just friends.  Tell us to fuck off if you like.  What do we care?  (Yes, that is how they worded it.  They have no egos, thus get  offended at nothing.)

Guides: remember that a mission is never actually imposed on a soul.  The soul chooses it—always!based on its interests.  And that can appear to be a choice made during incarnate life.  Thus, do we have the right to choose our missions, during midlife or another part of incarnate life?  Yes, absolutely!  They say: many  people do not discover/choose it until midlife.  They have bound themselves to what they consider “duty”; then time taps them on the shoulder and says ‘There’s only so much more, in this life—what do you really want to do with it?’

If you’ve been taught that you’re not allowed to follow your interests, your mission is never obvious.  Because your interests are the biggest clue.

Karen: My mission has not been obvious either; as you know, I was taught quite brutally not to follow my interests. One thing I’m pretty sure of—it’s spiritual in nature.  That was the interest I was most forbidden to have.  The thing that scares me the most, and interests me the most.  Darn guides gave me the nerve to actually say this.  Spiritual in nature.  I don’t think I’ve ever really been conscious of that before.

Anyway... seems to me you are following steps also, without the ultimate outcome being obvious... which fits with their “one-step-at-a-time” suggestion.

[My friend]: And so I’ve felt like I didn’t have one.  Lately, I’ve decided I don’t give a s--t.  Since the universe is not making it obvious to me, “they” can go screw themselves if they don’t like that I’m not doing it.  So I might as well do what I like.

[You see why my guides told her she could tell them to fuck off if she liked?]

Karen: And wait for the thunderbolts to fall if they don’t like it.  Well, no thunderbolts are going to fall, because they do like it.  My guides talking again.

[My friend]: So, I’m taking courses even though no one in my family understands.  I appreciate that [her husband] is willing to allow it even though he doesn’t understand.  In fact, I think he’s kinda proud of me, that I’m once again doing something that can be described easily <g>.

Karen, citing guides: <giggle> It’s the fate of the immaterially-inclined to not be understood by the materially-inclined.


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