The words of the spirit guides of Karen X

Aug 8, 2012

Give what you can, that is all that is required

I ready a libation to Zeus and think, “It’s too little wine.”

Guides: You always think what you do is not enough.  It doesn’t matter how much you do, you always feel you are falling short.  Never enough... work that is never done... how much have you tortured yourself with this? 

Yes, you are doing enough.  If you are doing as much as you realistically can, you are doing enough.  Is the roof over your head?  Are your kids fed and clean?  Will you be able to pay this month’s bills?  If the answer is yes, you are doing enough.  Stop flogging yourself, give yourself permission to relax, in the full awareness that you are indeed doing enough.  Do your best and you may always live in the peace of knowing you are doing enough.  But you have to give yourself permission. 

Give yourself permission to hear us say: You are adequate to the task.  In fact, it may be that what  you are doing in your life is actually heroic.  Often people who constantly feel they are not doing enough are doing a great deal.  Ask three friends if they feel you are doing enough.  Their judgment will be very much more positive than yours. [This was correct.] 

Give yourself permission to hear and believe them. 

You always tell yourself, you are not giving enough.  Give what you can, that is all that is required.

Karen: So what I ended up saying to Father Zeus was this: “I ask nothing... because I have it all.”  It’s just a matter of finding it in myself, and accessing it.  Then the wind came up and blew in my face for a while, warm and moist.


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