The words of the spirit guides of Karen X

Aug 8, 2012

This (joyful) state of mind is actually more true

Feb. 22, 2004

Felt like I couldn’t shake off depression.  I’m not sure why, except the period.  Got into a hot bath, read a bit of a book about energy techniques for bringing money into your life positively by following spiritual laws.  And there was a part about visualizing negative thoughts vanishing or blowing away, and positive thoughts being accentuated, etc.  So I did a little of that myself, to see if I could make myself feel better.  And I got this:

I remember times in which all the world seemed perfect, all made sense, all was right, and all was beautiful.  I felt complete security and a deep sense of well-being.  It was when I was a child.

If you are like most people, the last time you had such a perfect moment was in childhood.  If you are like me, and most people, you were taught to discredit this feeling; that it was childish, impractical, unrealistic; that life was serious, if not grim; that there were more important things to feel.

What I realized as I meditated was that this state of mind is actually more true than the chaff that we are taught as we grow up, because it is reflective of the purely spiritual state.  It is the feeling of the presence of the Divine.  We have it in childhood because we were more recently in the spirit world, and remember it better, than adults.

It struck me that nothing is more important, or practical, or realistic, than to not only remember this state of mind, but let it spread out into our consciousness until we live in it constantly, until we become it.  Anyone can access it (if they don’t already); all you need to do is remember the feeling of such a moment, and focus on it, immerse yourself in it, grow it in yourself.

When I realized this, I thought, “I can transform myself this way.”  But something struck me as off-key in the statement, and I soon realized what.  I do not need to transform myself.  None of us do.  It is our habits of thought we need to transform, and that will not transform us at all; rather it will ground us in ourselves, make us more our true selves.

Ever my guides are with me, teaching me what I most need to learn, to be gentle with myself...


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